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单词 gunpowder 例句大全,用单词gunpowder造句:

He used gunpowder to seize both on the underdeveloped continents of Asia and africa.
Damp, of course, will cause the fougasse to misfire, like any other gunpowder weapon.
A thin metal cap containing gunpowder or another detonator that explodes on being struck.
一种稀少的金属套, 具有火药或其它爆炸物, 在受撞击时爆炸。
After an experimental explosion, one of the experts exploded the gunpowder, an explosive.
All models incorporated a revolving cylinder into which gunpowder and bullets were loaded.
Is different with the traditional artillery use gunpowder fuel gas pressure launch projectile.
The invention of gunpowder, eliminate the feudal system, established the national institution.
火药的发明, 消除了封建制度, 创立了国民军制。
At this moment, many firebrands came down from the top of the valley and set off the gunpowder.
Effective gunpowder units, Reiters are armed with a pistol and spear and protected by plate armour.
黑衫骑士装备火枪和长矛, 身穿板甲, 是出色得火枪骑兵。
The rate of fat was issued artillery garrison, throwing bag of gunpowder, no casualties Qing count.
Then, he uses that gunpowder to make a bullet, which he uses to kill a cow and make more beef jerky.
Yet the birds eyes shone like torches, casting sad compassion over a land enshrouded in gunpowder smoke.
鹰眼如炬, 硝烟年代睥睨大地的悲情。
An Alchemists'Guild house improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement.
When he thrust the iron tamper into the hole in the rock, it created a spark, and the gunpowder was ignited.
After the introduction of the cannon and gunpowder to the West, Westerners very quickly became expert with cannons.
Do not store or keep any dangerous goods such as firearms, ammunition, gunpowder, fire works etc. in your premises.
What the British did not realise was that Washington simply did not have the gunpowder required to fire the cannons.
英国人不知道的是, 华盛顿根本没有火药发炮。
For example, rockets carrying an explosive shell of gunpowder could be launched at enemy soldiers from a bamboo tube.
Now the inventor of gunpowder and the rocket in earlier times has staked a claim to more modern technological prowess.
The Alchemists Guild Headquarters greatly improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement.
Likewise, the utility model satisfies a procedure of paper tubes bottom closing and gunpowder injection for firecracker manufacturers.

单词 gunpowder 释义

  • 单词释义:火药;有烟火药,黑色火药;中国珠茶  [更多..]



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