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单词 grime 例句大全,用单词grime造句:

A small amount will completely remove oiliness, makeup, and any environmental grime.
PRODUCT INFORMATION A soothing, protective wash to ease away the days grime and makeup.
Your first wheel cleaning will remove a majority of the built up brake dust and road grime.
And once the food experimentation and crawling starts, the battle with grime really begins.
一旦食品试验和爬行开始, 与污垢的战斗才真正开始。
When the walk was over and the class dismissed, Rinker and I returned to the scene of the grime.
走完步道, 下课了。林克和我回到粪便现场。
A car wash removes loose contaminants from your finish like dust, road grime, and fresh bird droppings.
清洗汽车可以去除车漆上的污染物, 像灰尘, 沥青和鸟粪。
Alcohol is a powerful solvent, perfectly capable of dissolving fingerprints and grime on the surface of a disc.
酒精是强力溶剂, 对碟片上的指纹和灰尘有绝佳效果。
Remove this top layer of grime with a gentle face wash, which also allows antiagers to penetrate deeper for better results.
The cleaner has been formulated with ammonia and fastacting solvents to quickly and effortlessly cut through grease and grime.
含亚摩尼亚及速效溶剂, 轻易清除油腻污垢。
Toning completes the process of facial cleansing by removing any last traces of grime and preparing the skin for moisturising or skin treatments.
It is applicable to the largescale, mediumsized and small coalmines with much grime and firedamp as well as other factories and mines with explosive gases.

单词 grime 释义

  • 单词释义:污垢,污点;煤尘  [更多..]



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