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单词 guerrilla 例句大全,用单词guerrilla造句:

A division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerrilla fighting.
In the 19 th century, Balkan people used guerrilla fighting against the Ottoman empire.
On the Social Basement of the Guerrilla Forces of the Overseas Chinese in the Philippines
A doting grandmother harnessed a donkey, pursued the boy and rode to guerrilla headquarters.
溺爱孙子的老奶奶骑了一条毛驴, 追到游击队驻地来找人。
The rival guerrilla groups had agreed to stop fighting and settle their differences peaceably.
Troops captured transmitters and other broadcast equipment when they overran a guerrilla camp.
Underground Party members and guerrilla fighters south of the Yangtze also helped us in the battle.
江南地下党, 游击队配合了渡江作战。
The exhibition This time, they give an armed uprising scale, but develop guerrilla and assassination.
Because of the huge disparity in the strengths of the two parties, they have to choose guerrilla war.
两军实力相差悬殊, 只能打游击战了。
Even without such an assignment,the guerrilla unit should carry out these tasks on its own initiative.
Even without such an assignment, the guerrilla unit should carry out these tasks on its own initiative.
The commanders both of the guerrilla units and of the regular forces must clearly understand this role.
The usurious that it is seize embellish, pleasant should hit one gun to change the guerrilla of a place.
为攫取高利润, 甘当打一枪换一个地方的游击队。
This guerrilla detachment which mysteriously appeared and disappeared kept the invaders constantly on the run.
Dispersal, concentration and shifting of position are the three ways of flexibly employing forces in guerrilla warfare.
Numerous rounds of negotiations between the guerrilla movements and the Colombian Government have been held in our country.
His first great adventureheading off from Cambridge University in 1971 to join a guerrilla war in Baluchistandid not end well.
他人生的第一次大冒险, 结局并不圆满。
The guerrilla units, which extend the battle lines into the enemy rear, are separated from the rear area of the country as a whole.
Concentrate a big force to strike at a small section of the enemy force remains a principle of field operations in guerrilla warfare.
Any idea that guerrilla warfare can be conducted in haphazard fashion indicates either a flippant attitude or ignorance of guerrilla warfare.
A Brief Analysis on Reasons of the Training Class of Guerrilla Cadre of the Southern Mountain Ran by the Kuomintang and Communist Party together
The guerrilla units mysteriously appear and disappear in operation behind enemy lines, without the enemy's being able to do anything about them.

单词 guerrilla 释义

  • 单词释义:游击队员;游击战;游击队  [更多..]



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