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单词 habit 例句大全,用单词habit造句:

Studies on accelerating germination and growth habit of seedlings of Strelitzia reginae.
In addition, the Mongolian gazelle and the Tibetan antelope has the habit of the car race.
Carina, at work, says I only fell for him out of habit. The habit of seeing him every day.
At the time of Sister Act 2 Back in the Habit, she was the highest paid actress in history.
在出演修女也疯狂2时, 她是历史上片酬最高的女演员。
Nowadays, people all agree that smoking is a bad habit and equivalent to committing suicide.
Should read achieve literary work to make netizen habit formerly, literary website is hot also.
Observations on the behavior and habit of the adult tea tussock moth, Euproctis pseudoconspersa
The structure of alimentary canal and feeding habit of low instar nymphs of Eupolyphaga sinensis.
The man who forms the habit of beginning without finishing has simply formed the habit of failure.
有了有始无终的习惯, 就是有了失败的命定。
All five Holy Mountains, without a thought of distance, According to the one constant habit of my life.
Comparable to foreign habit of affectionately and occasionally referring to your little brother as dummy.
The practitioners are in the habit of doing the prostheses restoration wit hoof thinking of alimentation.
Early Health Care Achievements of Miao Nationality as Viewed from Their Bequeathed Habit of Utilizing Fire
Objective To study the method for examining the handwriting of a adult whose writing habit is instability.
This method matches the engineering design habit, with high accuracy, it is convenient to engineering design.
Study on Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter in Pumpkins with Different Growth Habit in Solar Greenhouse
By February of this year, he finally had given up smoking, a habit which had accompanied him for dozens of years.
Acquisition Furthermore, the acquisition of this bottle cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years.
The person arrives the living habit that the middle age demand has regulation to just has an advantage to own health.
A Primary Study of Correlation between Cleft Area and Compensatory Abnormal Articulation Habit in Cleft Palate Patients
Living in Lesser Khingan Mountains, Accipiter gentiles and Strix nebulosa share the same habit of reusing their old nests.
Though they advocate collectivism, the Chinese people dont have the habit of sharing things and making cooperation with others.
我们虽宏扬集体主义, 但却又缺乏平等分享与合作的习惯
The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit.
The combination of centralization and unification with acting in light with local conditions and giving consideration to historical habit.
From this day on I would like to be known as the Big Aristotle, ' he said when he accepted his MVP award, ' because it was Aristotle who said excellence is not a singular act but a habit.

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