Leaf blade adaxially dark green, without blotches, abaxially light green connectives obtuse.
叶片正面深绿色, 没有斑点, 淡绿药隔钝。
The green light; the vast green light covers me; my soul is as entering the spirit boundary.
The green city potentate truely makes people envy to the green city royal concubines purpose.
Riding morning breeze, the trailing green villus welcome the visitors with its infinite green.
乘着晨风, 蔓绿绒以无限的绿意迎迓游客。
Use this one greenery eventually, braid gave green mountain, embroider green of great capacity.
Within a few days, green sprouts push up through the soil and produce a green flush of grass.
Start off fairly straight then turn left to the green, a giant bunker lies infront of the green.
球道颇直, 临尾转左去果岭, 前面有个巨型沙池。
Although red and green are contrasting colours, I think red and green looks lovely and cheerful.
虽然红色和绿色是反差色, 但是我很喜欢把它们搭配。
Green tea has the characteristics of green leaves in a clear soup with a strong astringent taste.
Weizhi will Garlic Puree sauce, ginger Weizhi, green peppers or shamisen formed to reconcile the green.
Green vegetables The green cauliflower includes the rich xanthophyl, is the important oxidation inhibitor.
Its green ripe fruit is green, and its old ripe fruit is bright red and shiny, with a strong hot fragrance.
Clean room is located beautiful, tall, lush trees, beautiful flowers, green fragrance, rich green humanities.
室设整洁亮丽, 树木葱郁高大, 花草艳丽青香, 人文绿色浓厚。
Some selected Green Belts are developed into Black Belts, and some Yellow Belts are developed into Green Belts.
Green tea taste is slightly less thick Shibuya, liquor color green, in a mixture of Securinega aeruginous shoots.
Aoyama embrace the green water, green water the reflection of mountains, mountain like jasper, water like mirror.
青山拥抱着绿水, 绿水倒影青山, 山似碧玉, 水似明镜。
You know, fine green tea not only has its delicate fragrance and mellowness, but also its typical pure green color.
Clean the green onion and pat the piece of green onion before cutting it into long strips clean the ginger and slice it.
葱洗净, 整根拍碎, 再切成长段姜洗净, 切成片状。
On the infinite and infinite sea the vast Taizhou bordering, With the green and green islands the water and cloud singing.
台州地阔海溟溟, 云水长和岛屿青!
Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Yellow, Orange, and Green Pigments Containing Lead Chromate and Chromium Oxide Green
He not traveler, there really late, old imperial concubine Piao the square is bluish green green eye to mention with smile.
Around the pool, there are green willows approaching ground, green cedar rising to sky, clean water and countable swimming fishes.
Ah, high mountain is always green, And gully water is always blue. The lass will never part with the lad, Blue water always winds around green mountain.
The waxy solid, assumes the olive green to the bottle green, regards the magnesium quantity which unifies but to decide, brings differently to be smelly slightly
蜡状固体, 呈橄榄绿至深绿色, 视所结合的镁量而定, 略带异臭
The insect nibbles the green leaves. The toad eats the insect that nibbles the green leaves. The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green grass.
蛇吃癞蛤蟆, 癞蛤蟆吃虫子, 虫子吃绿叶。