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单词 greasy 例句大全,用单词greasy造句:

Pie to be careful spray juice, bite the moment full of gravy, oil but not greasy.
馅饼要小心喷汁, 咬下去的瞬间满满的肉汁, 油而不腻。
It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap.
The Fo jumps the meat adiposity of wall and too greasy, the taro cellulose is thick.
The tongue is dark red with thin yellow greasy coating and the pulse is thin slippery.
more ingredients, concentrated soup, long aftertaste, not greasy after frequent eating.
Two, sometimes while doing the repairs my hands become oily, greasy or otherwise dirty.
Do not use greasy or heavy cosmetics that clog your skin and are difficult to wash away.
The doctor said you should try to avoid greasy food and have a bland diet these two days.
Mutton Shashlik is made up with lamb, and it's in a barbecue way, it doesn't taste greasy.
羊肉串主要是羊肉, 烧烤的方式, 它的口味不膻不腻。
While applying in bathe lotion, skin becomes slippery rather than greasy and drawing tight.
用于沐浴露护肤品可使皮肤滑爽而不油腻, 皮肤不紧绷。
To look after himself, Tanabe mainly eats vegetables and few greasy dishes, an official said.
German taste like light sweet and sour, not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy.
The kitchen ceramic tile do not buy the Asian light, otherwise greasy very difficult to scratch.
Clothing in contact with human skin picks up measurable amounts of greasy human sebum as a soil.
衣服与人体皮肤紧密接触, 粘上一定数量的皮脂形成污垢。
Chekiang dishes are both delicious and sweet smelling, both soft and slide, clean and not greasy.
For some guys, their hair starts looking greasy and dirty just a few short hours after its washed.
一些人头发刚洗过几个钟头, 就又脏又油。
Bloodenriching drugs usually are viscid and greasy in quality, so, over dosage may affect appetite.
The mixed tea with bodhi leaf, chamomile and pot marigold can reduces weight and gets rid of greasy.
Disease of wheat characterized by replacement of the grains with greasy masses of smelly smut spores.
The highly effective clean performance, prevents the carbon deposition and the greasy dirt production.
Oily or greasy surfaces repel fluxes, leaving bare spots that oxide and result in voids and inclusions.
油脂表面会排斥焊料, 留下氧化物裸点, 并导致砂眼和杂物。
Secondly, the key components of such important components round, not greasy surface bright and clean.
Investigation on the Mean that Tongue Became Greasy Fur in the Patient of Contusion and Laceration of Brain
a chronic skin disease associated with seborrhea and greasy scales on the scalp or eyelids or other parts of the skin.
Physical examination reveals greasy scaling on the scalp and erythema with yellowish scales in the nasolabial creases.

单词 greasy 释义

  • 单词释义:油腻的;谄媚的;含脂肪多的  [更多..]



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