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单词 grotto 例句大全,用单词grotto造句:

Notes On Images in The Three Niches of HuangPu Grotto and Its Painting of Worshipping of the Buddha
Study of Graffiti in Uigurs Language in Cave 12, the Yulin Thousand Buddha Caves in Dunhuang Grotto
To the northwest of the grotto, a curve in the rocky ledge had been enlarged to serve as a cistern.
在洞的西北边, 有个被扩大的弧形岩壁以便贮水。
Study on Dynamical Response of Grotto Rock Reinforced by Prestress Anchor Cable under the Seismic Load
On the Buddhist Niche and Relative Statue of Unconstrained King Made by Huainan Princess in Longmen Grotto.
In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked.
The grotto art also thrived with the introduction of Buddhism from India in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
Cave Grotto depth delivered, Tibetan Cina insurance, Qifeng Li rocks ranging from lying to expressive materials.
At the end of a quarter of an hour Vampa quitted the grotto his costume was no less elegant than that of Teresa.
一刻钟之后, 万帕从洞里出来了, 他的服饰并不比德丽莎逊色。
Displacement back analysis of rock mechanic parameters of underground grotto of Suofengying Hydraulic Power Plant.
The project geology problems of one hydroelectric station in under ground cavern grotto group excavation procedure.
Portrait of avalokitesvara watching the moon in the water in the No. 17 Grotto of avalokitesvarasutra Stories, Bilu Cave.
Numerical Analysis on Improvement of Stability of Underground Grotto Group Surrounding Rock Mass with Filling in Karst Regions

单词 grotto 释义

  • 单词释义:n.洞穴,岩穴,人工洞室  [更多..]



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