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单词 grass 例句大全,用单词grass造句:

The famous impala of African grass plains has horns shaped like a small harp.
Carp, grass carp, crucian carp which is that the most advanced of eating fish?
Vetiver Type of fodder grass, common in Africa. Also used for erosion control.
一种饲料草, 在非洲很普遍, 也用于控制水土流失。
Research on the determine livestock carrying capacity according to grass Theory
Effects of Decomposed Products of Grass Charcoal on the Adsorption of Cu and Zn
草炭分解产物对铜, 锌吸附的影响
When a ruminant grazes grass, the grass is cut from this height to this height.
In addition, the herbivore may the edible grass also be able to be insufficient.
此外, 食草动物可食用的草也会不足。
Reveal the intrinsic relationship between grass, grass Law and cursive artistry.
The weather grew drier and the grass became scanty and the nomads stirred afresh.
With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eater, so grass did not grow as strongly.
The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord abides for ever.
Actuality and Developing Trend of Production Mechanization of Mat Grass in Southen
He gave a glance to green grass with full of dew, while green grass gave him, too.
他对沾满露水的青草瞥了眼 青草也对他挤了挤眼。
A man without a blunt iron, steel, a woman without a random grass, no seedling.
Most mice are nocturnal, but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours.
perennial tropical American grass used as pasture grass in arid areas of Gulf states.
The fixed knife device for a grass cutter is widely used for grass cutter industries.
The Effects of Additives, Moisture Content of Material on Quality of Napier Grass Silage
添加剂, 含水率对象草青贮品质的影响
Effects of temperature on the activity to barnyard grass and safety to rice of acetochlor
It eats dry grass and bushes and it lives in deserts and plains in North Africa and Asia.
The mineral nutrient in shoot of elephant grass was higher than that of the imperial grass.
Establishing the Association of Straw and Forage Grass to Spring up the Forage Grass Industry
She was afraid to step further in the grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake.
Blatant depths, only the edge of the well a tuft of grass called from the past can accuse face.
喧嚣深处, 唯有井边一簇从草能召告往日的面孔。
Profession good grass scribe, work poems, each with a set of celebrities Yan, singing adaptive.

单词 grass 释义

  • 单词释义:草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜  [更多..]



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