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单词 gunfire 例句大全,用单词gunfire造句:

In the trench warfare in a lot of his comrades were wounded in the gunfire.
Shoot down To bring down by hitting and damaging with gunfire or a missile.
Despite the enemy's heavy gunfire, our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved.
The sound of gunfire rattled across the fields from the direction of Aughton.
Our endless gunfire will soon wear the enemies down, so that they will yield.
Terrified residents ran in panic and confusion as gunfire crackled around them.
被抢林弹雨包围的居民们胆战心惊, 在混乱中慌忙逃走。
At least three supporters of the ousted president were killed by gunfire Friday.
Theres been gunfire near the central hotel where foreign journalists are staying.
Hamas fighters engaged Israeli troops with rocket propelled grenades and gunfire.
Palestinian militants began celebrating with gunfire as soon as the Israelis left.
以色列人离开之后, 巴勒斯坦激进分子马上鸣枪以示庆祝。
They screamed a battle cry, momentarily drowning the sound of gunfire and explosion.
As night fell, bursts of gunfire could be heard throughout the city and the suburbs.
夜幕落下的时候, 整个城郊都能你听到枪炮声。
A week after my meeting with the Hizbul Islam militants, I awoke to the sound of gunfire.
在遇到伊斯兰党激进分子的一周之后, 我被枪炮声惊醒。
The officer ordered the soldiers to push their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
军官命令士兵冒着敌人猛烈炮火的袭击, 奋力向前挺进。
The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.
In southern Israel, gunfire erupted again in the evening, with two people reported to be critically wounded.
以色列南部在傍晚又想起枪声, 2人重伤。
It was the enemys gunfire and the bombs dropped by enemy aeroplanes that brought news of the war to the great majority of the people.
人民的大多数, 是从敌人的炮火和飞机炸弹那里听到消息的。

单词 gunfire 释义

  • 单词释义:炮火;枪炮声,炮火声;[军]号炮  [更多..]



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