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单词 gum 例句大全,用单词gum造句:

Functional and Structural Difference on Gum Arabic from Different Botanic Sources
The easiest dental plaque adhesion in the neck, oface, fissure, and under the gum.
最简单的颈部牙菌斑附着, 邻面, 裂隙, 下胶。
Cement's main roles are to anchor the tooth in the gum and to help form new teeth.
Preparation of zwitterionic guar gum and properties of its dilute aqueous solution
Don''t spit out your gum on the ground. It may adhere to the sole of someone''s shoe.
不要随地乱吐香口胶, 那会粘到别人鞋底上的。
Xylitol can be administered in the form of chewing gum, lozenges, or syrup. The U. S.
An aromatic substance,such as wood or a gum,that is burned to produce a pleasant odor.
Guar gum and locust bean gum could promote the stability of pectin on fruit juice milk.
In this article, fermentation condition of Xanthan Gum in airlift fermentor was studied.
Effect of active carbon on decolorization of peach gum hydrolysate Study on Peach Adhesive
In the growing tooth period gum is possible ache, then to affect her appetite and the sleep.
在长牙期间牙龈可能会疼痛, 进而影响她的食欲和睡眠。
The technology of producing and bleaching of Sophora bean gum as food additives was studied.
The Technical Approach and Effect Analysis of the Intermediate Cutting of Fast Growing Gum Trees
If all this leaves you up a gum tree, you would be well advised to seek the help of a good lawyer.
如果这些事使你处境艰难, 你最好找一个好律师。
Tongue piercings have also been associated with infections, chipped or broken teeth and gum trauma.
Fenugreek gum was a new generation of galactomannan gum, which was developed independently by China.
Konjac gum, gelatin, locust bean gum and xanthan gum had influence on the quality of dairy desserts.
Influence of adding salt on the salt tolerance of Mesona Blumes gum and its molecular chain stiffness
Extraction technology of the plant gum of Artemisia scoparia seeds and its rheological characteristic.
It was observed that the best gums in combination with konjac gum were carrageenanand locust bean gum.
The cultivation condition affected the cell growth, the ice nucleation activity and the xanthan gum ratio.
Conclusion Sodium alginate and guar gum are considered to be the potential natural materials of the bone adhesives.
The results showed that there was interaction between Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch gum and soybean protein isolate.
Other textile fabrics, impregnated, coated or covered with materials other than rubber, plastic, gum or amylaceous substances.
You pronounce them by blocking the airstream with the tongue and upper gum ridge, building up air pressure and suddenly releasing it.
用舌尖抵齿龈成阻, 让气流爆发而出。

单词 gum 释义

  • 单词释义:口香糖;树胶;黏胶;牙龈  [更多..]



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