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单词 gruff 例句大全,用单词gruff造句:

Is it really so rough that we must always call each others Billy Goats Gruff
这真的很粗糙, 我们总是粗鲁的叫对方
The gruff ruffian's ruffled cuff is scuffed in the scuffle with the shuffler.
There was a low sob, and then a mans gruff voice said accusingly Useless thing!
接着有人啜泣, 一个男子沙哑的声音职责到没用的东西!
Expect gruff service, no spoken English and cramped seating plus a touch of MSG.
Carelessness in their tone of voice, often speaking in gruff, antagonistic tones.
Onscreen, John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooterSee Synonyms at gruff
在荧屏上, 约翰韦恩是一个直言不讳, 一针见血的人参见
Shortly after the shooting, the gruff former soldier declared a state of emergency.
枪击发生不久, 这位粗鲁的前军人就宣布全国戒严。
Can hear his innermost feelings to be somewhat gruff, does not yield to age meaning.
听得出他内心有些倔, 不服老的意味。
Doctors found the cleome a glioma a gruff growth in the supportive tissue of the brain.

单词 gruff 释义

  • 单词释义:(声音)粗哑的;生硬的;(人的行为)冷淡的;态度生硬的  [更多..]



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