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单词 grudge 例句大全,用单词grudge造句:

They're for the judges daughter, but his grudge is against me CD.
There's a whole list of people who might bear a grudge against him.
That anything to make you grudge or concerned isn't what I wonna see.
Can you think of anybody who might have a grudge against the company ?
You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon.
你和另外一个人有不满, 你和他在星期六下午打。
The cops were just trying to keep order, but they fell in for grudge.
Bearing a grudge saps one's evergies and accomplishes abolutely nothing.
The superior man does not murmur against heaven, not grudge against men.
She would grudge a penny even to the poorest beggar, ie She is very mean.
Theres no point in bearing a grudge. Let us forget about it, no postmortem.
At the same time, outspoken, and queen of the bear a deep grudge against sb.
同时, 口无遮拦, 和皇后结下了深仇大恨。
There is no thing, for easy that it can be, that grudge wont make it difficult.
It is very apparent that these terrorists hold a very deep grudge against the U.
When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be surprisingly beneficial to your grudge.
有人深深伤害你时, 你很难做到不记恨心头。
He could have been genial to all the world, and he bore no grudge against his wife.
but he never held a grudge against me for believing in something different from him.
And I grudge the alive being that the Wu works properly a clan, also complicated see.
而且我讨厌亡灵族的生物, 太难看了。
There was no one as far as you know who had a personal grudge against her? asked bond.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
你若是怨重地压榨着葡萄酒, 你的怨望, 在酒里滴下了毒液。
They bear a deep grudge against each other, which has been going on for quite a long time.
他们的夙怨很深, 矛盾不是一天两天了。
I felt awfully guilty for not helping you last time, so please do not hold grudge against me.
What you may not realize is that carrying a grudge can deplete your naturally limited energy.
或许你并不知道, 抱怨会消耗本身就很有限的精力。
But Anna combine not ashamed embarrassed, return just expose that kind of the color of the grudge.
Potter is jealous of potter, and craftsman of craftsman and poor man has a grudge against poor man, and poet against poet.
She’s still holding a grudge. Clearly she can’t put the past behind her. She needs to move on with her life and stop being so bitter.

单词 grudge 释义

  • 单词释义:不满;怨恨;恶意;妒忌  [更多..]



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