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单词 gruesome 例句大全,用单词gruesome造句:

It tries to shoo the finches away, but a gruesome kind of artistry comes into play here.
它试图决定离开, 但是加拉的可怕的艺术性进场。
The stage is set for a gruesome battle between the two nemeses, but only one can survive.
最后他们两个决一死战, 只有一个能生存下去。
Synonyms GHASTLY 1, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid,
Issac you deserve the most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me 3 years ago.
Mr Obama has punted on partialbirth abortion rather than denouncing the whole gruesome procedure.
She ran faster until she eventually came to a deadend where the most gruesome sight met her eyes.
There was also gruesome evidence on Thursday of the damage being done by the recession to the public finances.
Just one bite makes you bleed from your hair follicles, eyes, ears, nose and fingernails, before dying a gruesome death.
The violence, in which rival gangs fought with machetes, clubs, and bows and arrows, turned especially gruesome Sunday in Naivasha.

单词 gruesome 释义

  • 单词释义:可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;可憎的;阴森的  [更多..]



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