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单词 granny 例句大全,用单词granny造句:

Determining the Main Factors of Granny Smith for Apple Juice Processing
Determining the Main Contents of Granny Smith for Apple Juice Processing
加工苹果 澳洲青苹品质的测定研究
Queen Elizabeth II must have been a favorite of her granny, Queen Mary.
I've lost count of the times granny has told us with that particular story.
Gee, Im too fat to fit through the door and I havent even eaten Granny yet.
天哪, 我太胖了, 进不了门。我甚至还没吃掉奶奶呢。
Had I not eaten the plate of greens, Granny would not allow me out again.
To get up clock day, boil water, help massage Granny, hurry to go to school.
每天五点钟起床, 烧水, 帮奶奶按摩, 匆匆上学。
The old granny talked endlessly, but we listened to her with great patience.
The hunter was out of control to shout, eternal truth that granny said such.
After that, everybody knew that your Granny Yinjiao was an excellent wailer.
It's time to begin crocheting the third and final level of your granny square.
Granny Li was cheated today out of five silver dollars, which was all she had.
But few people knew why your Granny Yinjiao could be such an excellent wailer.
不过, 没有几个人能知道你银娇奶奶怎么哭得那么好。
Two things tend to show up in these searches, oddly bestiality and granny porn.
Her teeth having all dropped out, Granny Li could only nibble away at her food.
Delighted, she helped Granny with her housework and that made Granny very happy.
莎莎愉快地帮奶奶干活, 奶奶很高兴。
Studies on Techniques of Rooting and Transplantation of Granny Smith Apple Shoots
The young girl bore up well after her dad and granny were killed by the aggressors.
Talk of difficulties had dashed all Granny Lius hopes and set her heart palpitating.
Then, he put on Granny's bonnet and waited for the arrival of Little Red Riding Hood.
然后, 它戴上奶奶的帽子等候小红帽的到来。
What I sent to you is the picture taken on my granny's birthday party with my relative.
I didnt get to see dad much, and I dont know if Granny got to see him very often either.
我和爸爸见面不多, 也不知道奶奶是不是经常见他。
And when my fifth grandma's family members became exhausted, your Granny Yinjiao walked over.
I'd better not be late or my granny will give me an earful about my laziness and thoughtlesshess.
Now, the old granny has stayed away of danger and the police have got in touch with her family about her accident.

单词 granny 释义

  • 单词释义:奶奶;外婆;婆婆妈妈的人  [更多..]



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