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单词 grandness 例句大全,用单词grandness造句:

Philosophy of Yidelong Grandness lies in creation.
益德隆的哲学伟大, 在于创造。
His colleagues dislike him because of his excessive grandness.
由於他过度地自负, 同僚们不喜欢他。
Our growth is the evidence of our homeland's development and grandness.
The Artistic Beauty in Grandness of Door Decoration of Round Earth Towers
The grandness of the Shenyang EXPO will let tourists exclaim with admiration!
沈阳世博园大气恢弘, 大手笔, 大背景令世人惊叹!
I dont know its name, and tried to name it as Tao and entitle it as grandness.
吾不知其名, 强字之曰道, 强为之名曰大。
Advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products.
In order to show its grandness, the Hong Kong Derby specially issued this commemorative envelope.
The structure of person with ability is the fundamentality of the company development and grandness.
The comprehensive national strength of our country is closely linked the development and grandness of our country's manufacturing.
Rivers and seas don't shun trickles, so they can become deep; Mountain Tai doesn't choose soils, so it can form grandness. (Detail decides success or failure.)

单词 grandness 释义

  • 单词释义:n.宏伟,伟大,壮大  [更多..]



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