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单词 gossip 例句大全,用单词gossip造句:

Aggravated by the vicious gossip, he could do nothing but fight back.
他被恶意的流言激怒了, 别无选择, 只能还击。
Can you ever remember hearing any gossip about Alice being arrested ?
There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.
Taboo adultery, and destroy others honor, sow dissension, gossip, etc.
Bs a matter of fact, this was purely newspaper gossip and speculation.
Cautious speech averts eavesdropping. Cautious behavior arrests gossip.
Gossip columnists often bracket them together, so a wedding may be imminent.
漫谈专栏作家常把他们相提并论, 因此一个婚礼也许临近了。
Gossip Girl! You know what Valery Liukin made a cameo appearance on the show!
He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years.
There were things even stranger than this, according to the gossip of the men.
据工人们传说, 有些事情比这还要离奇。
I don't like to think of myself as a gossip, but I have to admit I often do it.
我不想让人觉得我八卦, 但我也承认我常会参与其中。
Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel.
Been very careful to leave out of any story, anecdote, or gossip about the town.
很小心得躲过镇上的任何传说, 轶事, 闲话。
She's always reading those gossip magazines to find what's happening in show biz.
Corrupt officials fall apart deep hatred To retaliate medical ethics street gossip
Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip, but Mrs.
Meg was quite upset this afternoon. She was in no mood for their brainless gossip.
麦格今天下午相当不安, 她对他们不经大脑的闲扯没有心情。
Attraction is ever changing, and that is why the objects of worry and gossip change.
This stone is one of the giant boulder irregular, zhuang ruo gossip, gossip stone named.
Allocate time for looking busy, time for picking up the gossip and time for your own affairs.
将时间分配用来假装忙碌, 收集闲话和处理个人私事。
Soon after my arrival in Changsha, I met all sorts of people and picked up a good deal of gossip.
我初到长沙时, 会到各方面的人, 听到许多的街谈巷议。
While boredom may be a cause of gossip, jealousy could also be a lesser known evil that leads to it.
Comic dialogue it is one kind to amuse others laughing at gossip art, still has storytelling, allegro etc.
Anyone with a morsel of gossip or an interesting project of his or her own can deflect you from your appointed task.
To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs,or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards.

单词 gossip 释义

  • 单词释义:流言蜚语;闲话;爱说长道短的人  [更多..]



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