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单词 got 例句大全,用单词got造句:

This car drew in there and a chap got out and I thought,what dog's he got?
Since Kathy got promotion her younger sisters really got her claws into her.
自从凯西被提升后, 她妹妹真是对她嫉妒极了。
Ive got to have my consititutional. Ive got to wash the dirt out of my belly.
And some had got rakes, and some had got pitchforks, and some had got brooms.
It's got mushroom grips, it's got a bell. it's the coolest one they had, nina.
有蘑菇形的车把, 还有个车铃, 它是最漂亮的, 尼娜。
I haven't got any corn bread, but I've got some wheat bread. Will that do you?
我没有玉米面包, 但有些小麦面包。行吗?
I thought, 'I got this. We got this.'Her composure, however, didn't last long.
It's got a fan, it's got headlights for warmth, it's got door chimes for alarm.
If you've got something to say it's got to be lodged in their brains at the end.
Running for home through the snowstorm, he got overheated and later got a chill.
冒着暴风雪跑回家, 他一身发热, 过后又觉寒冷。
You've got gravity, you've got the centrifugal force, you've got the fluid dynamics.
My plans got cancelled and I’m here dying of boredom. I got dolled up for nothing :(
A cop who got mixed up in the rackets and got what was coming. Thats a terrific story.
和毒贩混在一起终于得到报应, 那是个好极了的故事。
My shoulders ache. I must got chilled when I got up to relieve myself during the night.
So they've got soccer, they've got basketball, they go sleep over at their friend's houses.
所以她们可以去踢足球, 打篮球, 或者在朋友家留宿。
You, you got, you got into mercy west you got into mercy west, I haven't told the chief yet.
If she got pregnant before she got married, the mother is blamed for that, and she's punished.
Youve got your laptop, youve got your comfy slippers, youve got a gloriously unshaven face.
We all got down onto the ice, and I then got into my swimming costume, and I dived into the sea.
The only way to obtain happiness is that, cherish what you have got and forget what you haven't got.
It got to the point where I got bored with fire works and got tired of the expense of such extravagance.
渐渐地, 我开始讨厌烟花, 并且厌恶那种奢侈的开销。
If Paris got together with Berlin, Britain got together with Vienna and Rome to provide a counterbalance.
如巴黎和柏林联合时 英国便加入另一方的维也纳和罗马
When we got rid of the simple lifestyle, we also got rid of all the limits imposed by respect for authority.
当我们摆脱了贫穷, 我们也脱离了一切权威所加诸的束缚。
The first few days it rained a lot, and then, luckily, it cleared up and got sunny for the last four days. I got a little burnt, so my back is peeling now…ugh!
Some crazy old man with severe road rage tried to tailgate me today. I got tired of him following me, so I pulled over onto the shoulder and got out of my car. When he saw I was a big dude, he went back into his car without saying a word and sped off *smh*

单词 got 释义

  • 单词释义:得到(get的过去式和过去分词);抓住;说服;受到(惩罚等)  [更多..]



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