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单词 glance 例句大全,用单词glance造句:

He snot on enquiring glance at her to see if she agreed with him.
他以征询的目光看了她一眼, 看看她是否同意他的意见。
In those crowded streets her attire did not rate a second glance.
I saw at a glance that the painting was the work of a real artist.
I had given her one last backward glance before finally departing.
He paused, and his attitude suggested a roving glance at the window.
Who does not go pay attention to it, no one would see it at a glance.
谁也不去注意它, 谁也不会瞧它一眼。
At first glance, no two authors seem closer than Emerson and Thoreau.
His glance was full of affection, his speech interspersed with smiles.
She surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror, then burst forth anew.
她用惊恐的眼光盯着他, 接着又哭了起来。
When Mary walked she did not soas take a glance at me, which angered me.
玛丽进门时, 连看我一眼都没有, 真令人生气。
A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewildering array of interests.
The first thrill of joy to my awakened soul let it come from his glance.
He risked a backward glance and saw one of the wolves move to flank him.
The statement accompanying the decision was, at first glance, hard nosed.
乍看起来, 这样的声明和决定是非常死板顽固的。
Although at first glance Listing 1 might appear to be correct, its buggy.
The army girl, tall and demurely pretty, threw a quick side-glance at her.
The bank teller gave a fearful glance at the customers during the robbery.
At first glance, the Southern Baptist Convention appears to be doing well.
初看起来, 南方浸信会似乎形势还不错。
Pitty drew up her stout little body and gave the doctor glance for glance.
皮蒂挺了挺她那胖胖得小个儿, 向大夫妻一眼。
One glance in trap mirror revealed aboard it engineer Pole fort trap truth.
When Mary walked in, she didn't so as take a glance at me, which angered me.
玛丽进门时, 连看我一眼都么有, 真令一生气。
In this case, the stripes are not continuous as they appear at first glance.
在这个例子中, 条纹并不是如一眼望去那么连续不断的。
Jim stole a glance at Mary to see if she approved of what he was suggesting.
Thrusting the agreement at her, the two men made off without a glance behind.
I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.
我扫视了一下大厅, 发现观众中有许多熟悉的面孔。

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