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单词 glue 例句大全,用单词glue造句:

Utilization of Recovery Energy of Ammonia Refrigeration System on Mucilage Glue Factory
Note dont soak is too long, otherwise it will dissolve the glue on the surface of paper.
夺目浸泡的工夫必要太长, 否则会凝固纸暗地的胶。
Analysis of 385 cases for lubricate analgesic glue method in transesophageal atrial pacing
Study on bonding properties of larch Birch and Oak Glue laminated timber with API adhesive.
Double glue groove is adopted to enable gluing on both sides and enhance the bonding effect.
Adjust the speed frequency conversion by four stage, be suitable for any grade of butyl glue.
四档变频调速, 适用于各种档次的丁基胶。
With that glue now dissolving, the traditional concept of national identity is falling apart.
Press crop computation, formaldehyde kind before colophony glue and latex glue are resided 2.
To ensure that the binding quality, regular cleaning glue pot, ageing and greying and cleared.
为了保证胶订质量, 定期清理胶锅, 将老化及沉淀物清除。
The circulating glue system with temperature controller assures the adequate glue consistency.
循环式水槽, 有温控系统, 确保胶水适用粘度。
This article will explain how to repair the glue roller for double face glue spreading machine.
Study on adhesion mechanism and initial viscosity of starch glue for interleaving aluminium foil
The Ningbo rice glue balls with lard stuffing are the most popular among all the rice glue balls.
Instant heating device can automatically activate the shoe glue at the rear section of drying oven.
时间加热装置, 可使后段烘箱自动活化鞋子胶水。
The glue employs melamineresin adhesive, phenolicresin adhesive and ureaformaldehyde resin adhesive.
胶采用三聚氰胺树脂胶, 酚醛树脂胶, 尿醛树脂胶。
The Striping of Sticky Tape and Appearance Method of Sweat Sneak Impression of Hands On Glue Surface
The technology of glue injection to loosely assembled blade roots is attempted with acceptable result.
Squeeze lines of glue along the flush, cut edges and use the paint brush to even it along the top edge.
Glue flowing is smooth and the glue end and stop is exact without remains at the needle and is durable.
The circulating glue system with heating and temperature controlling system ensures proper glue consistency.
An automatic constant pressure glue feeding device ensures proper viscosity and good quantity of the adhesive tape.
Objective To analyze the intrauterine surgery in postmenopausal patients with Gong Ning Glue stick application value.
The jointing glue enriches varieties of the marble glue and solves the problem of jointing difficulty among the stone.
The freezing point of the modified bone glue produced by this technics is very low and the adhesive strength is very high.
所得到得改性骨胶粘合剂凝固点低 粘结强度高
Use another always afferent pliers, tightly stick the upper lip seamy side to glue a film to push to lips ditch to clip tightly a strap.

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