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单词 gosh 例句大全,用单词gosh造句:

Oh, my gosh, I'm late, what excuse can I give the clients?
Gosh, I think Ive twisted my ankle jumping down from there.
Debby Gosh! It sounds like something is wrong with your car.
Oh, gosh. I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just call me ma'am.
Gosh, you will be eighty years old before the farm is paid for.
'Gosh, you will be eighty years old before the farm is paid for.
Carol My gosh!! Those two are ready to go for each others throats.
卡罗尔我的天哪, 我看这两个人要进行一场搏斗。
Gosh, I just keep thinking there's someone I've forgotten to tell.
我总觉得 忘记通知某个人了。
Gosh, I just keep thinking there's someone i've forgotten to tell.
我总觉得 忘记通知某个人了。
So now your scrubs are gonna smell like cinnamon bun. Gosh, thanks.
Bella Come on. Oh, my gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me Sorry.
A Gosh, for Indonesia, the worstcase scenario is virtually bottomless.
my gosh. I saw him outside, and he is definitely the hottest guy on campus.
我的天, 我在外面见过他他绝对是学校里的大众情人
Maggie Oh gosh, I think Oh! I think, your anchor woman just went into labor!
We have to go on the roller coaster, gosh, the roller coaster is quite high!
我们去玩过山车, 天哪, 过山车可真高!
Oh gosh! What ever happened to me, ever happened to me, ever happened to me.
噢!天!我当时是怎么了, 是怎么了, 是怎么了。
And I finally decided, oh gosh, I've got to go to the court and do this crazy case.
最后我决定 天哪,我得上庭去做这个案子
Maggie Ok, to President Michael Aaron Seaver. Who Oh gosh, that has a nice ring to it.
NPC A Gosh willikers, Chief, this makes 15 massacres like this in the last five weeks!
天哪, 队长, 这是5周以来的第15起连环杀人案了!
Gosh, golly, gee whiz, I know he is never going to make misleading, or erroneous charges.
Bessey Oh my Gosh, yes, and lots of government assistance and people without you know jobs.
贝西哦上帝, 是的, 政府给了许多援助, 可是许多人没有工作。
Romola Gosh, the quality of that fax just coming through is as good as from a laser printer.
As youhead through the front door, more familiar smells consume your senses. Gosh, it feels good to be home.

单词 gosh 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>(表示惊讶)哎呀!;天啊  [更多..]



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