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单词 granary 例句大全,用单词granary造句:

Taking off the pins granary, its cylindraceousstructure can be also used for rectoscopy and biopsy.
取下钉座, 可用于直肠的检视及活组织检查。
The structure and functions of this new type of buried and Spiral clearing granary machine are introduced.
The Imperial Granary edition The Peony Pavilion offers a concept of returning to the original state of Kunqu opera.
Exploration about Lowering the Temperature and Precipitation Trial with Mechanical Ventilating in Underground Granary
地下仓机械通风降温, 降水试验探索
Its grain output is one third of that of Ngari so that it is the granary of the birthplace of ancient Tibetan civilization.
The Application of Digital Temperature Sensor in the Granary Temperature Detecting and Controlling System in the Long Distance.

单词 granary 释义



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