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单词 glad 例句大全,用单词glad造句:

He admitted taking the money and said he was glad to get it off his chest.
他承认他拿了钱, 并且说很高兴把这事说出来。
Secretary administers, very glad, want chancellery to take him immediately.
He admitted taking the dollar and said he was glad to get it off his chest.
他承认拿了钱, 并说很高兴把这事说出来了。
But, indeed, I ought to be glad that I make acquaintance with these seasons.
Ill be glad to help you take care of the baby for a week during your absence.
要是你离家一个星期, 我很乐意帮你照顾婴儿。
I am glad that someone has had the courage to speak out against these abuses.
我很高兴, 有人有勇气讲话反对这些弊端。
Lily Ill be glad to. Its full name is saxophone, and sax is the abbreviated form.
I would be glad to provide any additional information about me that you may need.
I'm always glad to provide advice and assistance to students from other countries.
I must admit, although climbing the mountains was hell, I am really glad I came here.
I shall be glad if you will forward fifty ton of coal, in accordance with your sample.
请按照贵公司提供的样品, 供应我司50吨煤炭, 谢谢。
Aah! oh! I'm glad that you're having fun, but my back is hurting, so let me get on top.
我很高兴你乐在其中 但是我的背很痛 那让我到上面去。
In accordance with cables exchanged, we are glad to have sold you 50 tons castor seeds.
He is one affable, has the sense of responsibility, is glad helps the human the person.
他是一个和蔼可亲, 有责任心, 乐于助人的人。
In accordance with faxes exchanged, we are glad to have sold you 50 tons of castor beans.
按照双方往来电传, 我们很高兴已售给你方50吨蓖麻子。
'and I am glad the audiences love this movie, that they love that I did with all my love.'
The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess. When the king died, Aladdin became king.
We are glad to see that a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo.
我们很高兴地看到, 近年来世界各地血汉语者与日俱增。
Complete duty actively. 4. Own team spirt and glad to cooperate with others about common object.
Study on Effective Compositions of Magnolia Officinalis Rehd. Et Wils to Skin Absorption in Glad Happy Troches
Famous or not, Stefanie is glad she chose to pursue academia first at NTU. I must have made the right decision.
If you will send us your order within that time,we shall be glad to give you the advantage of the reduce price.
Ef you buy me a ticket ter Tara, Ah sho be glad ter git home. Ah sho be glad ter see Miss Ellen and Mist Gerald agin.
Becky supposed she would be glad of that, and she tried to believe she was glad of it, but she found she was not certain.
She was glad to acquiesce, and even to go to bed, and drink watergruel, in order that she might possess her soul in quiet.
她就欣然默认, 索性躺上床, 喝稀粥, 图个心里安静。

单词 glad 释义

  • 单词释义:高兴的;感激的;乐意的;令人愉快的  [更多..]



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