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单词 glass 例句大全,用单词glass造句:

Floral arrangement more use glass or porcelain vases, glass vases most people love.
插花多选用玻璃或瓷花瓶, 其中玻璃花瓶最受人喜爱。
What is the glass Glass refers to the habit, can be two different kinds of material.
This is Ethiopian s first glass plant, an annual output of 40,000 tons of flat glass.
Glass in building Pendulum test Impact test method and classification for flat glass.
Microstructure Analysis on the Cyclic Glass Cut out of Solar Heat Tube of Pyrex Glass
Add ingredients to a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir and strain into chilled glass.
glass frit and other glass in the form of powder, granules of flakes, of heading 32. 07
品目32。07的搪瓷玻璃料及其他玻璃, 呈粉, 粒或粉片状的
This equipment is the key of producing arc glass and laminated glass of shower bath room.
TYPICAL USE Be careful not to break the box of glass that thin glass is hard but brittle.
Install and locate the glass clip as per the glass clip location map during installation.
安装时, 根据玻璃夹位置图安装, 定位玻璃夹。
Alcoholic drinks are served by the glass and beer is served by the glass or by the bottle.
Tap your glass Tapping your drinking glass with a knife or fork makes the bridegroom kiss.
Effect of Rare Earth on Glass Formation and Thermal Expansion of Boroaluminasilicate Glass
Blend everything in a blender with ice until smooth. Serve in a collins glass with a straw.
Fill a mixing glass with ice and add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a chilled glass.
调酒杯入满冰后入材料, 搅匀后入冰镇杯。
Consolidate has machine glass piece hobnail can use consolidate to have machine glass piece.
Press an empty glass into the water upside down, a table tennis is covered inside the glass.
Specification for sound absorbing board, fibrous glass, perforated fibrous glass cloth faced.
Empty glass bottles are collected, and the glass is broken and reused for making new bottles.
Use of borosilicate glass raschig rings as a neutron absorber in solutions of fissile material
Thus, glass becomes positive, while the silk with which the glass was rubbed becomes negative.
例如, 玻璃与丝绸摩擦时, 玻璃带正电, 而丝绸带负电。
The glass walls are connected to the beams, and to the glass floor, with stainlesssteel bolts.
Add ingredients to mixing glass. Pour over crushed ice in margarita glass. Garnish with cherry.
入混合杯加冰, 入玛格丽特杯饰樱桃
Developing of new glass current way control gate elevating unit for float glass production line
Glass lampshade, lamps and lanterns glass, accept your diagram paper and sample manufacturings.

单词 glass 释义

  • 单词释义:玻璃;玻璃制品;镜子  [更多..]



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