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单词 goodbye 例句大全,用单词goodbye造句:

Next day, I went to the Admiral Benbow and said goodbye to my mother.
Whenever you have a ship ashore, you can kiss a million bucks goodbye
Take your time ushering the audience out, saying goodbye to the actors.
With difficulty he says goodbye to her and makes her accept the need to part.
I and you kiss goodbye in the alienation night, my heart waits to greet sadly.
我和你吻别在狂乱的夜, 我的心等着迎接伤悲。
He had a lump in his throat as he said goodbye to his girlfriend at the airport.
Then tell the pretty lady goodbye and that you can't socialize with her anymore.
那就和这美丽的女士说再见吧 你以后再也不能和她交往。
Miss Sun was also loathe to say goodbye and couldn't bear to part from Miss Fan.
孙小姐也依依惜别, 舍不下她。
Lost some of the same, Li Rongxiang regret to announce his decision to say goodbye.
同样有些失落, 李荣祥遗憾地宣布了他的告别决定。
His wife used to be an actress, but she said goodbye to the stage when they married.
Patient Thank you for your advices for my health. 1 will do as you told me. Goodbye.
The blood said goodbye to his face and his ears ached from a piercing , shrill scream.
他脸色苍白, 刺耳的声音让他的耳朵很疼痛。
They seem to have never been formally say goodbye. Every time, are absolutely different.
You may bid goodbye to all your dreams of getting rich by speculation in stock exchange.
An abrupt goodbye would not do, yet that was all I had ever learned from the awful books.
I said, darling, it was just like yesterday, that we said goodbye in the Beijing airport.
我说, 好似就象昨天啊, 我们才从北京机场分手。
He has accumulated liquid in his joints, so he is likely to say goodbye to the sports field.
We had a big argument yesterday, so I turned my back on him and left without saying goodbye.
I felt very embarrassed so I was ready to leave in a hurry without a word of apology or goodbye.
我十分尴尬, 于是就想立刻离去, 不道歉, 也不道别。
Customer It seems I should take him to see a doctor, thanks so much for your advice. Goodbye
Why did you come down here, Beau Well, for one thing, you left last night without saying goodbye.
Here is the place where we have to bid goodbye, Then you ought to trudge on alone like water grass by miles.
此地一为别, 孤篷万里征。
He puts on his armor and goes into action again today, many years after he said goodbye to the world of sports.
告别体坛多年后, 今天他重又披挂上阵了。
The applicant was so choked with excitement at the acceptance notification that he could hardly bring out a goodbye.
He was able to attend her funeral, serving as a pall bearer, but did not get to say goodbye in person at the hospital.
他能参加她的葬礼, 但没能和在医院的那个人说再见。

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