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单词 glaze 例句大全,用单词glaze造句:

The ceramics, bricks and tiles, coloured glaze in HSI Hsia Kingdom
The Yellow Paint Use of Scrap Glaze for Titania Ivery Enamel Glaze
Combine all ingredients together. bring to a boil, temper and glaze.
Because stoneware is nonporous, glaze is applied only for decoration.
The purple splashes were produced by adding copper oxide to the glaze.
Adopt high grade corrosion resistant glaze and fine production process.
采用高档腐蚀釉, 以精细工艺生成。
There are a lot of types of handpainting, applique, colored glaze, etc.
有手绘, 帖花, 色釉等品种。
The best composition of body and glaze of new bone china is determined.
Pressure distribution and stress calculation of glaze ice on iced airfoil
Pour the glaze over the brownies. Sprinkle the roasted almond slices over.
This is a small white antique vases, there are exquisite glaze decoration.
Adjust the formula of slip and glaze to meet the requirement of production.
Glaze quality Glaze must exquisite and flowing, glair color agrees equably.
釉面质量釉面必须细腻平滑, 釉色均匀一致。
Banyuls poached fig, bitter chocolate glaze, mascarpone and cinnamon gratin.
甜酒无花果, 苦味巧克力酱, 肉桂芝士层。
In addition, the glaze belongs to calcium glaze in which plant ash was added.
另外, 白瓷釉可能是加有草木灰的钙釉。
Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated.
Adjusting Firing System to Suit for Polished Tiles from High Glossy Glaze Tiles
It makes about as much sense as a ceramic girdle with glaze on it, replied Alice.
这和上釉的陶瓷腰带几乎没什么两样, 爱丽丝回答。
Bottle of ceramic other than porcelain or china The glaze on the pottery cracked.
Glisten glaze, developed in recent years, is a kind of ornamental artistic glaze.
As soon as muffins removed from tray, brush lemon sugar glaze over top of muffins.
Introduced the preparation of color glaze used unglazed ware altering to green body.
In this period, how will the ceramics machinery, glaze amd pigment providers face it
在这个期间, 陶机和色釉料企业将如何面对?
Frit and Ameloblastic Product transparent frit, opaque frit, matte frit, matte glaze
熔块和成釉产品透明熔块, 乳浊熔块, 哑光熔块, 哑光釉
Their attitude expressed a final reserve and their faces showed the glaze of prudence.
她们的姿态十分拘谨, 脸上流露出小心翼翼的神色。

单词 glaze 释义

  • 单词释义:装玻璃;上釉于;上光  [更多..]



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