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单词 globe 例句大全,用单词globe造句:

As credit contracts and asset prices plunge, demand across the globe is shrivelling.
It also won Angelina her first notable award, as she walked away with a Golden Globe.
这也是朱莉首次获得真正意义的奖项, 轻松摘下金球奖。
The main valve, globe or angle pattern, is diaphragm actuated, hydraulically operated.
Plumes are scattered in an apparently random manner all over the surface of the globe.
Is that old adage worth bearing in mind as consumer prices across the globe accelerate ?
You will work in weather stations, aboard ships, and in remote locations around the globe.
The shared hail adopts the sidewall supply and bottom return mode and globe nozzle outlets.
共享大厅采用侧送下回方式, 球型喷口。
In a quest to unravel the complex mystery of our instinctive behaviour, we trave the globe.
我们踏遍全球, 以解开人类本能得为购乐学的复杂秘密。
In a quest to unravel the complex mystery of our instinctive behaviour, we travel the globe.
我们踏遍全球, 以解开人类本能行为的复杂秘密。
authentic milled sesame oil is known to all the world and spreads its scent around the gloBe.
正宗小车麻油, 举世闻名, 香满全球。
Exporting criteria of berry and management of grapevine variety Red Globe and culture management
My girlfriend and I recently set out to circumnavigate the globe without the aid of any aircraft.
我和我的女友最近打算环游世界, 不坐飞机。
Correct Representation of the Particle and the Attractive Potential Energy of the Even Mass Globe
And in terms of experience of capitalism, there are two aspects that the rest of the globe experiences.
从资本主义发展历程来看其全球经验 主要有两方面
Relationship between berry coloration and the contents of sugar and acid of Ruby Seedless and Red Globe
When not voraciously learning, this young man travels the globe as a peace and childrens rights activist.
Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red Globe during Berry Expansion Period in Different Trellis
The fitting of the density, acceleration of gravity and pressure distribution formulas inside of the globe
this large instrument was made up of an armillary sphere , a celestial globe and a mechanical chronograph.
这是结合浑仪, 浑象及报时装置的大型天文仪器。
Retrobulbar implantation for reconstruction of recurrent sunken eye after placement of an artificial globe
Horwath International is a powerful organization of accounting and business solution firms spanning the globe.
After this metamorphosis takes place, everyone will benefit from the information moving swiftly around the globe.
Reports of ludicrously sexually aggressive dolphins attempting to rape human women abound from all over the globe.
Friedman had a longlasting and controversial avocation as an adviser to politicians and governments across the globe.
And so it nearly transpired that same night when we attended the official opening of Universal Studios ' Globe Theatre, a new arena for special events.

单词 globe 释义

  • 单词释义:地球;世界;地球仪;球状物  [更多..]



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