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单词 globalization 例句大全,用单词globalization造句:

A Study of the FDI Motives of the Enterprises of Our Country under the Background of Globalization
Eight Big Tendencies of Social Development in Our Country after Blending in Economic Globalization
Domesticating the World African Consumerism and the Genealogies of Globalization Mariam Konate Deme.
It is no wonder many around the world see and resent globalization as a euphemism for Americanization.
自然而然的, 很多人把全球化这个现象跟美国化打上了等号。
We must not let globalization chip away at the fabric of our intrinsic identity and indigenous values.
We will need even more constitutional guidance from the Supreme Court as globalization continues apace.
Intensifying frontier sanitation quarantine, replying challenge of globalization of infectious diseases
Three Characteristics of International Financial Regulation in the Background of Financial Globalization
The historical course of economic globalization, affect all many sided of our country economy will deeply.
经济全球化的历史进程, 将深刻地影响我国经济的诸多方面。
Increasingly, however, the processes and impacts of globalization are becoming even more varied and complex.
然而, 全球化进程和影响变得愈加不同和复杂。
But I think it was just a fear, I think, that we've see in the news that globalization means Americanization.
但是我想我只是害怕 新闻里把全球化成为美国化。
Globalization did not bring about odd polarization or Americanization, cannot both confuse sth with sth else.
Economic globalization is the important and exterior condition that American new economy arises and develops.
The Operation Internationalization Strategy of Defense Industry Under the Background of Economy Globalization
Strategic analysis on new trends of economic globalization and promotion of Five Points and One Belt strategy
In this era of globalization, pathogens eschew national borders and can spread across the planet at jet speed.
至于来自新兴传染病的威胁, 更是把全球各国都拉在一块儿。
Economic Globalization Competitive Advantage and Disadvantage of the Cluster of Yangjiang Knifescissor Industry
Development should be realized through mutually beneficial cooperation against the background of globalization.
Strengthening the research of man power resources management to counter the challenge of economic globalization
Globalization has often been accompanied by enhanced poverty, unemployment and consequent social disintegration.
One of the most unfortunate consequences of globalization is the globalization of the drugs and narcotics problem.
Influence of Human Resources Management to the Adjustment Instrumentality of Labor Relations under the Globalization
Therefore some people turn their noses up at globalization fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization.
Globalization is a sward of double edges, which is not only a good opportunity but also a severe challenge to Hakka culture.
I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on Chinas accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.
请利用这一有利条件, 即刻提交订单。

单词 globalization 释义

  • 单词释义:n.全球化,全球性  [更多..]



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