It is an autograph the contract is not nonstandard, complete, simple and cursory.
二是所签合同不规范, 不完整, 简单草率。
Unfortunately, due to the time reason, we can only be a cursory looking at flowers.
遗憾的是, 由于时间的限制, 我们也只能是走马看花。
The only industry mentioned is agriculture and it is discussed in a cursory sentence.
You are the left eye, I am the right eye, we together looked the bustling place is cursory
These were just two opportunities for improvement we found in a cursory review of the campaign.
Even this cursory brush with the empirical evidence suggests that there is much to be explained.
A cursory tour of the archipelago reveals that each island has its own unique form of architecture.
该群岛一项游历显示, 每个岛有其独一无二的建筑。
This post is going to attempt to help you figure out how to analyze them, at least at a cursory level.
Cursory Comments on World History Subject Construction, World History Ideology and World History System.
Only the cursory mention is made of those statistical approaches that have been fully dealt with elsewhere.
A Cursory Review Concerning Bottom Diameter Progressive Increment of Flat Sizing Roll of Straight Weld Pipe Mill
Second, corporate information is heavily skewed towards investors, with other elements getting cursory attention.
第二, 公司信息过于针对投资者, 而对其他方面关注不够。
Everyone come to the pilgrimage, you should think so from the pace Kuaguomenjian, you are no longer a cursory tourists.
A Cursory Analysis of Crosscultural Pragmatic Differences in Everyday Politeness Expressions between English and Chinese