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单词 cultivar 例句大全,用单词cultivar造句:

Growth stage of grains was shorter in a high setting percentage cultivar than that in alow setting percentage cultivar. the degenerate ratio is lower.
The results showed that the fruit surface cuticle of Yali cultivar was thick, and the epidermis cell interval was deepen, relatively thick, and closely arranged.
此外, 鸭梨近果皮果肉中石细胞多, 石细胞团大
Cooperi are recorded and some cultivar names in O. heterophyllus are verified and corrected. Pollen morphology of12 species and41 cultivars in0. fragrans is examined with SEM.

单词 cultivar 释义

  • 单词释义:n.栽培变种,培育植物  [更多..]



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