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单词 cruise 例句大全,用单词cruise造句:

Those of us who were able to stay enjoyed an amazing three days cruise to the Bahamas.
Besides, the cruise have no responsibility to change the voyage or anchor at any port.
Simulating the interception of cruise missiles with subcaliber antiaircraft gun system
You're not necessarily concerned with maintaining a specific airspeed in cruise flight.
He returned to the cruise again half an hour later and the cruise started off the pier.
半小时后, 他再回到了观光船并且开始起航了。
A solid rocket booster causes the initial acceleration and launch of the cruise missile.
The squad cruise d to victory over Australia to nab its fourth consecutive Olympic gold.
The Mares Cruise Journey Backpack has rugged construction with spiral zips and metal pull.
The cruise ship that plans to bring US citizens in Lebanon to safety has arrived in Beirut.
This is an additional function which is incorporated into the current cruise control system.
这是一个额外的功能, 并结合当前巡航控制系统。
The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.
Bored. Going for a cruise with the top down. Who’s going with me? I’ll even go pick you up.
The Osprey may cruise like an airplane, but it takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter.
鱼鹰可以像固定翼飞机一样巡航, 但像直升机一样垂直起降。
Then, you increase power to a cruise setting of 2300 rpm, and trim when the airspeed stabilizes.
然后, 您增加力量对2300转每分钟巡航设置, 并且修剪当空速稳定。
Its that blurry, chilly, windy cruise along the Li river with the hazy mountain ranges as backdrop!
The early warning detection to cruise missile is the first condition of intercepting cruise missile.
Take an introductory diving cruise to the Great Barrier Reef for an incredible underwater experience.
Tourist who has effective cruise tickets has the right to take the assigned voyage specified on the ticket.
Distribution of marine boundary layer ammonia over the Atlantic and Indian Oceans during the Aerosols 99 cruise
However, growth in the cruise ship business prompted the Government to expand its cruise ship facilities in1998.
Is the food and accommodation free for crew members onboard a cruise ship and what are the living arrangements for crew?
It's interesting that people say Michael is short yet the public perceive actors like Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson as being tall, which isn't the case.
The Airbus Industrie A3XX, with a double-decker fuselage which can carry up to 656 people in three classes, is the plane that has sparked the dreams of airborne cruise ships.
Make sure to tour?? preferably by harbor cruise?? the Bay of Islands, a four-hour drive north of Auckland. A vast range of antipodean treats awaits you?? and the timing couldn't be better.
But Tom Cruise, star of top-grossing movies such as Top Gun, Born on the Fourth of July, and The Color of Money, was voted No 3 in the Empire magazine list of 100 top movie stars of all time.

单词 cruise 释义

  • 单词释义:巡游;漫游;巡航  [更多..]



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