In commemoration of the Friday Crucifixion, Friday was designated as the day of denial.
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus were all part of God's plan to redeem mankind.
The apostles are crushed and demoralized in the aftermath of Jesus arrest and crucifixion.
在耶稣被捕, 被钉十字架后, 宗徒们完全陷于挫败梦碎的状态。
The System of Benevolent Rule Principal and Crucifixion Secondary Constituted in Han Dynasty
The shroud also contains traces of blood and marks consistent with scourging and crucifixion.
Jesuspublic ministry covered a period of three and a half years from his baptism by John through to his crucifixion.
从耶稣受洗到受难, 他公开传道了大约三年半时间。