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单词 crisis 例句大全,用单词crisis造句:

The first two waves were the financial crisis and the consequent global economic crisis.
The haze in financial crisis abreaction during, achieve congenial compose to make why to plan?
A Study of Citizens Participating in Crisis Administration by the Government in an Orderly Way
Usually the financial crisis has a development, accumulation, the process of qualitative change.
The negotiations for hostage crisis is one of the effective methods to solve the hostage crisis.
Achieve join line of business and character, this crisis also accelerated whole industry shuffle.
Thus, the salvation of man from ecological crisis depends on the emancipation of man from crisis.
欲将生态从危机中拯救出来, 须先将人从危机中解放出来。
In order to address that crisis, my Government has declared a state of emergency on food security.
为解决这些危机, 我国政府宣布粮食保障处于紧急状态。
So, strictly speaking, current credit crisis is not the time, but the financial derivatives crisis.
因此, 严格来讲, 目前已不是次贷危机, 而是金融衍生品危机。
On the contrary, it may be trapped in a social crisis and even ruin the achievements of development.
反之, 则可能陷入社会危机的困境, 甚至使发展成果毁于一旦。
This administration can no longer remain in power after its failure in handling the economic crisis.
Sa Keqi reiterated France supports the Bush Administration to overcome financial crisis's standpoint.
Sa Keqi reiterated France supports the Bush Administration to overcome financial crisis' s standpoint.
They have slowed down the political processes and the economic adjustment needed to resolve the crisis.
At present the moral belief crisis is the coexistence of expansibility crisis and the retrogress crisis.
On the source of ecological crisis and how to make industrial technologies accord with ecological demands
American divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication.
The Government in Abidjan continues to bemoan the adverse consequences of the crisis on the Ivorian economy.
According to the least survey, currently the crisis faced by companies most often is human resources crisis.
据最新调查显示, 当前企业最常面临的危机是人力资源危机。
To help corporate to learn how to formulate contingency plan on media crisis and how to get out of the crisis
WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy.
Although he is young, he stays calm during times of crisis. I'm sure we will achieve great things when he is older.
Zmiric admitted he had passed through a crisis without cigarettes and the food he had been used to during those six months.
If the pound is further devaluated, it will surely cause monetary crisis. Further devaluation of the poundwill surely cause monetary crisis.
The general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis.

单词 crisis 释义



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