If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.
Do you have a currency conversion service for changing FEC into foreign currency at the official rate?
Debate on endogenous currency and exogenous currency is a core topic in monetary and financial theory.
Foreign currency is any currency a business unit uses for doing business other than its base currency.
That year the administration of president Bill Clinton bought Europes to support the European Currency.
The International Currency System based on the Double Standard Currency and the Global Financial Crisis
The pivot currency serves as the only specified reporting currency in the reporting currency dimension.
agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation
Anxiety for the serious hysteresis about the currency aesthetic learning material of our national college
Study on the Influence of Electronic Currency on Broad Currency Multiplier and Narrow Currency Multiplier
But it would probably require the Chinese currency to become a global reserve currency to rival the dollar.
I understand that exchange rate is the value of one unit of a foreign currency expressed in another currency.
Contract and eject the air of the insole , accelerate the air currency , keep the shoes clean and comfortable.
压缩排出鞋垫气体, 加速空气流通, 保持鞋子清爽。
Joint ventures shall not pay foreign currency or foreign exchange certificate to the aforesaid establishments.
Analyzed by currency, both Hong Kong dollar denominated loans and foreign currency loans declined in december.
These losses may arise from fluctuations in currency exchange rates or devaluation of the currency of payment.
Fifth, with the exception of Hong Kong, do not align your currency to one major currency such as the US dollar.
第五, 除了香港之外, 不要将自己的货币与一个主要货币挂钩。
The countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency,replacing previous barter arrangements.
To obtain foreign currency by false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage
Hard currency shall mean United States dollar and any other currency which is freely convertible into United State dollar.
Executive of the Hong Kong SAR of the PRC said that the unification of the currency could help Asia to achieve unification.
谈未亚洲济模, 香港特别政署政荫, 统货币助亚洲统者亚洲统。
Since the birth of the paper currency, the struggle between making pseudo paper currency and forbidding it has never stopped.
而自纸币诞生起, 造伪和禁伪的斗争就从没有止息过。
This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account.
The machine then begins a procedure by which it first makes sure the bill is actual currency and then determines the denomination of the bill.
Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Please note that cash and personal cheques will NOTbe accepted.