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单词 curiously 例句大全,用单词curiously造句:

The girl of less than six years old asked her mother curiously.
Curiously enough, he seems to have known what we should do next.
说来奇怪, 他几乎已经知道我们下一步做什么。
Curiously, he went on boating to look for the end of the forest.
The more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved.
By now people were stopping around them and looking on curiously.
She peered at him curiously from beneath her fringe of blonde hair.
透过她额头淡金色得刘海, 她好奇地盯着他。
The waves had died away, leaving the sea quiet and curiously still.
She had found her parents coolly unsympathetic and curiously amused.
Curiously enough,the editor sent himself on the trip to the Bahamas.
Curiously enough, the editor sent himself on the trip to the Bahamas.
Halsey's war record and his public reputation were curiously at odds.
Curiously quiet she was, almost abstracted, answering these questions.
Certainly the people of those days must have been a curiously lazy set.
Curiously, however, the incidence of depression also seems to rise.
I saw him look curiously at the letter bore it away to read in solitude.
看见他好奇地盯住这封信, 于是我把信带走私下里读起来。
According to my father, the chart of my sky curiously resembles pentagram.
The situation is curiously like an event inGreek mythology. The gods on Mt.
很奇特的, 那里的形势类似于一个古希腊神话故事。
Some of them looked at him curiously and wondered what was the matter with him.
有几个人好奇地望着他, 弄不懂他要干什么。
Physicists and philosophers have often observed that physics is curiously abstract.
物理学家和哲学家经常注意到 物理学是深奥抽象的。
He looked at me curiously as if he had some doubt which he did not care to express.
他好奇地看着我, 似有疑问又不肯说出口来。
What is your target, may I ask?'Jack asks curiously. Steven's talking interests him.
When you move indoors, you lose control of the camera and, curiously, the ability to jump.
当你在户内移动的时候, 你失去照相机的控制。
Curiously enough, Fawkes was not so affected by the gaze of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.
Curiously enough, a successful gold standard, or any other commodity standard, would tend to eliminate itself.
奇怪的是, 成功的金本位, 或任何其他商品本位都会自行淘汰。
Lao Xiao cannot bear curiously, the click enters draws a prizewinning ticket the page, as soon as looked, felt relieved.

单词 curiously 释义

  • 单词释义:好奇地;奇异地;奇怪地;说来古怪  [更多..]



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