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单词 credit 例句大全,用单词credit造句:

Credit Enhancement A method whereby a company attempts to improve its debt or credit worthiness.
Grow the new servicing business of credit to have mightiness power of processing credit product.
The Credit can be transferred only on the terms and conditions specified in the original Credit.
Please ensure there is sufficient credit limit in the Credit Card Account before the application.
The management credit drafts the letter industry, impels the establishment society credit system.
In the Second chapter, this paper analyzes the influence of absence of personal credit on economy.
The second chapter argued the China credit industry and discussed the problem of the credit system.
House Prices, House Prices, Residential Mortgage Credit Residential Mortgage Credit and Monetary Pol
正在加载数据。货币政策, 居民抵押贷款和住房价格
When your referrals earn money, you will also get credit for it. We credit you for 5 referral levels.
The establishment of credit investigation system is very crucial for that of the social credIt'system.
On the Causes of the Accounting Credit Loss and the Countermeasures of Rebuilding the Accounting Credit
Study of the Legal Relationship between the Letter of Credit Issuing Bank and Letter of Credit Applicant
A Preliminary Approach to Establishing Farmer Household Credit Rating System in Rural Credit Cooperatives
Drafts drawn under this credit must quote the name of this bank and the number of this credit mentioned above.
The implementation and management of curriculum should change from school year credit system to credit system.
Do I why the absence for give up the reputation credit and riches of doing the regal concubine as a maidservant.
So the conception and the connotation of the credit right are discussed that the credit right is personal right.
因此对信用权的概念, 涵进行探讨, 认为信用权为人格权。
Guidelines for Credit Rating Organizations to Issue the Bond Credit Quality Rating Reports for Security Companies
Credit guarantee which is divided into contract to buy on credit, credit guarantees to sell the lease and salary.
To credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely.
Credit Card Cardholder Credit Card fraud Malicious overdraft Identified Investigation Procedure Investigative tactics.
Valuing quality and credit, carrying on past and opening a way for future. Priority to honesty and credit, exploring to the future
崇质重信, 继往开来。诚信为先, 开拓未来
It includes consumer credit, credit card and mobile home credit. ln pace with the groWth of national economy, theKABB will be sure to engender and development.
它包括消费信贷, 个人住房按揭和信用卡服务。
Viewing the Financial Affairs Management in Perspective of the Cooperation between Bank and Security Company, Bank and Credit Cooperatives, Credit Cooperatives and Security Company
Nevertheless, they concede that growth remains dependent on exports as domestic demand remains tepid, amid rising consumer credit NPLs, tightening consumer credit and sluggish local investment.
与此同时, 投资停滞不前, 当地经济增长仍然依赖出口的带动。

单词 credit 释义

  • 单词释义:赊购;结余;贷记;有权索要的款项;赞扬;为…赢得好感的人/事物;演职员表;学习单元  [更多..]



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