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单词 crease 例句大全,用单词crease造句:

Middleaged female with pseudosingle eyelid desiring a semilunar crease.
There was a faint crease between her eyebrows that she seemed unaware of.
一条模糊的褶皱出现在她的眉宇之间, 她似乎不清楚
as a result of mechanical adjustment incorrectly, causing the paper crease.
由于板滞调度不妥, 引起纸弛折皱。
NATURAL WAIST Find the natural crease of your waist by bending to one side.
腰围腰自然弯向一侧, 找到自然腰部位的一点。
dismissby striking the wicket with the ball before he has reached his crease
Filled platform can in crease finished product rate and can add conceyer belt.
What you see You have a deep, vertical crease down the middle of your earlobe.
现象你的耳垂中间有一个很深, 垂直的折痕
The crease pattern shown here is the underlying blueprint for an origami figure.
这个折痕图就是一个折纸造型 的设计图
A Study of Crease Proof Treatments for Silk Fabrics with Silkworm Shell Chitosan
Clinical Study of Relationship Between Ear Lobe Crease and Coronary Artery Disease
Liz sat down on the bed, lowering herself carefully so as not to crease her skirt.
His trousers had a sharp crease and you could see your reflection in his shoeshine.
Trademark an fiber or the lightweight crease resistant fabric made with Orlon yarns.
apply pressed crease at front and back leg and ship trouser fold to maintain crease.
Using your fingers to crease the bill, feel that the bottles are perfectly aligned.
The Effect of Crease Resist Finish with Citric Acid on the Washability of Real Silk Fabric
Now fold the right and left corners into the center, and unfold again to make crease lines.
左右两侧往中间折, 然后打开, 留下折痕。
Once youve got it looking right, force the insides to crease by pressing on a hard surface.
如图所示, 在硬一点的表面向内用力折。
Batch processes only lightweight qualities with no tendency to crease are suitable for this.
In lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made just below the lashes in the skin's natural crease.
Soft Crease folding box is more easier for folding, it's convenient packaging and elegant in appearance.
柔软线折盒方便, 易折, 外形美观。
And it also needs to in-crease its complexity if biological Systems are to keep ahead of electronic ones.
Objective An anatomical study was carried out to examine the existence of the inframammary crease ligament.
The breaking strength of cotton fabric will drop evidently both in warp and weft after anti crease finishing.
全棉织物经免烫整理后, 其经纬向断裂强力明显下降。
Perioperative nursing of radical treatment of axillary osmidrosis with super thin flap and a small incision along central crease of axillary

单词 crease 释义

  • 单词释义:皱褶,折缝;折痕;(皮肤上,尤指脸上的)皱纹;板球运动(投球手和击球手的)位置线  [更多..]



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