How much I worry, worry about their own sometimes crass to say the opposite of the sentence.
It would be more like it if Crass was to be sacked himself, so that Owen could be the foreman.
Each man knew that unless he did as much as ever he could, Crass would report him for being slow.
When the boy had departed, Crass took a stroll through the house to see how the others were getting on.
孩子走了以后, 克拉斯满屋巡视了一番, 看看别人活干得怎样。
Expressional proposal Crass sitting room skinning texture is acting a decisive part in bedroom of a complete set of.
表情建议自然波纹无论是什么房子, 玄关的设计都很重要。
It is probable that even if it had not been for his friendship with Crass, he would still have continued to frequent the public house.
即使不是因为他跟克拉斯要好, 他也会常到酒店去的。