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单词 coz 例句大全,用单词coz造句:

Coz I'll have Gong Yoo as my guest. You can also enjoy Ggong's song.
因为我会邀请孔刘作为嘉宾, 到时你会欣赏到孔刘的歌声。
Arrrrrrrrrr!I don't know how come I sang, coz I a headset on my ears.
啊!为什麽我要唱歌, 是因为我耳朵上戴著耳机吗??
Coz you do voodoo Im just like a doll that the pins keep pushing into
因为你施的咒, 我像个针扎人偶般不断被下蛊
Don't dry with fakes or fears. Coz you will hate yourself in the end.
Maybe I have to take a risk, coz maybe I will die in the way of searching.
Woke up quite early, coz many people running and shouting at the hall way.
coz the fearing that you will alienate my heart after that is always with me,
And Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the families of Aharhel the son of Harum.
My favorite is trinket shop. I often dreamt of dormitories, maybe coz I am lonely.
Maybe thats coz most of the chatty and chitty gals knock offed and the place become more quiet.

单词 coz 释义

  • 单词释义:n.(cousin 的缩写)堂兄弟姊妹,表兄弟姊妹  [更多..]



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