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单词 coyote 例句大全,用单词coyote造句:

Discussion of Some Problems with Coyote Blasting Used in Quarries
Coyote ran as fast as he could, his tail stretched out behind him.
We spin around to see a coyote in hot pursuit of a panicked rabbit.
一转身, 一只草原狼正追逐一只受惊的兔子。
Coyote State Mount Rushmore State Sunshine State Land of Infinite Variety
Discussion of the Measures of Controlling Flyrock Caused by Coyote Blasting
The sheriff announced a bounty of 15 dollars for the pelt of every coyote killed.
Now, new DNA analysis of coyote poop shows for the first time that some coyotes in the state of Virginia are also part wolf.
我太老了, 不能这样坐了!
Do you remember that Loony Tunes cartoon where there's this pathetic coyote who's always chasing and never catching a roadrunner?
你记得卡通里 那个总是在追逐 却从未抓到猎物的土狼吗?
In pretty much every episode of this cartoon, there's a moment where the coyote is chasing the roadrunner and the roadrunner runs off a cliff.
几乎在每一集里 牠的猎物 一只走鹃鸟 都会跳下悬崖

单词 coyote 释义

  • 单词释义:郊狼(北美洲西部原野上的小狼);丛林狼,草原狼  [更多..]



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