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单词 cub 例句大全,用单词cub造句:

Berlin zoo employee Thomas Doerflein plays with polar bear cub Knut.
Pink, hairless, and blind, the cub is 1898th the size of its mother.
That sneering young cub got taken down a peg or two on that occasion.
It was absolutely magical. A mother and a cub. Such a beautiful sight.
熊妈妈和她的幼崽, 好美的景象。
In 1969, John Rendall and Ace Berg saw a lion cub for sale in Harrods.
在友博看到一个小狮子的故事, 有点感动, 就和大家分享。
Polar bear cub Knut met the visitors for the first time in Berlin zoo.
At that time, I was only a cub reporter, stillwet behind the ears.
The mother panda keeps the den meticulously clean as she raises her cub.
在熊猫妈妈育儿时, 它把窝打扫得特别干净。
In the evenings, the little Hedgehog went to the Bear cub to count stars.
有一天晚上, 小刺猬要去找小熊数星星。
A cub is placed into a basket for transportation to a new living environment.
A cub takes a playful bite of a relatives swishing tail in the African plains.
It looks like a surveillance report on the Cub Scouts and Brownies of America.
It was Brothers involvement in the Cub Scouts that led to my meeting Dr. King.
正是弟弟的童子军身份, 使我见到了金博士。
The newest newborn at the Berlin Zoo, this California sea lion cub named Diego.
American Cub bottles Kai, a beautiful curve, ergonomic easy to open the beer cap.
Bloodstained from its last meal a cub shows features of a hunter built for speed.
At birth, the cub is helpless and it takes considerable effort on the mother's it.
熊猫幼仔在出生时是无助的, 靠它母亲可观的努力得以成活。
They brought the small bear cub for the president to shoot. The cub was so lovely.
Gnomes can now select Druids as an available class! New Cub and Kitty forms available!
It also owns 23 television stations and the Chicago Cub Baseball TeamCubs baseball team.
This ceremony marks the transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts if they choose to go on.
Sales of the Cub were spurred by the organization of the Civilian Pilot Training Program.
Yesterday a cub driver made a crack about my pronunciation, because my English is so poor.
昨天一个司机嘲笑我的发音不好, 因为我的英语不好。
Bear Country is safe when every small cub there learns some special lessons from mama and papa bear.
She singled out the lion cub immediately and began to hiss aggressively at the lion cub with open jaws.

单词 cub 释义

  • 单词释义:幼小的兽;愣头青,毛头小伙子;新手  [更多..]



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