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单词 crest 例句大全,用单词crest造句:

A Method of Temperature Rise Calculation on Shock Crest in the High Pressure Pipeline
When combined in perpendicular direction, wave crest of the leaking light moves left.
垂直组合时, 泄漏光的波峰值左移。
We can clearly make a conclusion until the second wave crest or wave trough is formed.
Therefore, I decided the righteousness to did not return to attend to a ground of crest!
Urduuk stood atop the crest of the hill and gazed out across the grasslands to the south.
乌尔都克站在山顶上, 目光穿过脚下的大草原望向南方。
In the interior, it is a skeleton vault with nimble and exposed crest lines and flying bars.
The crescent the crest is a special symbol the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary.
The animated surface scene will include foam, sparkle, crest splashing and a cloud filled sky.
It originates from Pouparts ligamentinguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium.
Your that person wants really a crest matter not, I advise you to also early separate early good.
你那人要真不顶事, 我劝你也是早分早好。
A tension crack running parallel to the crest of the slope can also be included in the calculation.
The large skull had an extended occipital bone and large sagittal crest that contained a tiny brain.
Based on the design research, reinforced concrete girder is chosen for gantry crane girder dam crest.
Bore pressure fluctuate around the hydrostatic pressure with the zero point at the surface wave crest.
Experimental study on iliac crest cartilage and costal cartilage graft in alae nasi and on maxilla surface
As the University cheering team captain, she has always been involved crest of wave, loved deeply by boys.
Proximal cords of entrance cord was terminal crest and pectinate muscle, and distal one was plexiform cords.
门索远侧为丛状条索, 近侧为界嵴和梳状肌。
The anterior portion of the supramastoid crest and zygoma root correlated with the level of the middle fossa.
A Study of Dental Implant Surgical Technique Simultaneous with Original Site Autografting from Alveolar Crest
Its teaching target is the teaching that protect bottom not to seal a crest, promotes the biggest development.
The breeze swayed a few dry weeds on the crest of the wall, and they gave out a faint, sweet, melancholy sound.
The discrimination method of downstream water pattern from broad crest weir in flat sluice was developed in this paper.
Efficacy of two generation of powered toothbrushes Crest Spinbrush and Crest Spinbrush Pro and effect to the oral health
Although bugs can be problematic with the open sides, a simple solution is to hang mosquito netting from the crest of the tarp.
The relationships of the level of the bottom of the middle fossa with the supramastoid crest and the superior rim of zygoma arch were examined.

单词 crest 释义

  • 单词释义:山顶;羽毛饰;鸡冠;(动物的)颈脊  [更多..]



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