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单词 costa 例句大全,用单词costa造句:

Proposal submitted by Costa Rica on a new paragraph in article 4 on national remedies.
Rui Costa will probably play in Verona, hes a great player and an example to everyone.
Costa Rica is in Latin America and is bordered by the Caribbean and the Pacific oceans.
With the Internet, you have an advantage, says Costa, because you can save your messages.
Costa Rica has made a choice between military spending and the conservation of its lands.
And a Costa Rica hotel is making peace between its guests and the local feline residents.
We would also like to commend the efforts exerted by Costa Rica as Chair of the Committee.
Starbucks will weave artisans and other Costa Ricans into the instore promotional campaign.
The Costa Rican delegation therefore welcomed the new ideas presented by Mexico and Sweden.
因此, 哥斯达黎加代表团欢迎墨西哥和瑞典提出的新想法。
We arranged to meet in a Costa cafe and I came there earlier to finish some coaching emails.
我们约在咖啡馆见面, 我早到了一会儿处理一些邮件。
They're following a well-trodden path by buying a luxury hideaway on the Costa Brava in Spain.
Chelsea are believed to have agreed the summer transfer of Portuguese defender Manuel da Costa.
Contra Costa Youth Orchestra performed at Disneyland during the 2008 president day long weekend.
Roni de Assis Novais Costa told me the greatest words of all time. Sometimes thats all you need.
我已是一名基础性感专家, 不需要再学习这种技能了。
On the other hand, the cost of hand labor, which is intensive in banana, is expensive in Costa Rica.
I would now like to make some comments in my capacity as the Permanent Representative of Costa Rica.
In Costa Rica and Mexico, there are laws which determine punishments in the case of rights violations.
It may be dirty dancing, but creator, Jeff Costa insists that CardioStriptease is good for your health.
这种舞蹈也许下流, 但创始人简称它很健康。
De Costa said he is confident that those responsible for the attack on President Ramos Horta will be caught.
他说, 他有信心抓获袭击总统拉莫斯奥尔塔的人。
Monitoring change in volcanic interiors using coda wave interferometry Application to Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.
This document was attached to the reply received from Costa Rica and is available for consultation at the Department for Disarmament Affairs.
Canadian manufacturer of solid teak casual furniture. We enjoy a preferential relationship with a plantation in Costa Rica. Mayateak furniture for life!

单词 costa 释义

  • 单词释义:肋;缘;中脉;前缘脉  [更多..]



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