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单词 cosmonaut 例句大全,用单词cosmonaut造句:

So he hitched a ride on a cosmonaut?
Can I talk to you for a second, Cosmonaut ?
It is the very hatch from where a cosmonaut came out to the Moon.
这是一个舱口, 宇航员会从这里出来, 搞个啥月球漫步的。
A crater on the far side of the Moon and an asteroid, 1772 Gagarin, are named after the cosmonaut.
一个弹坑的一侧远远月球和小行星, 1772加加林, 命名后宇航员。
The first human being in space was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who on April 12, 1961, orbited the planet and lived to tell the tale.

单词 cosmonaut 释义

  • 单词释义:n.宇航员,航天员  [更多..]



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