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单词 cos 例句大全,用单词cos造句:

Yep. We ought to go for something more expensive, cos you.
恩, 我们要找个稍微贵点的地方。因为。
Cos you cant hold a man down without staying down with him.
It would be great cos you can go skiing and hiking as well.
They wouldn't serve me in any pubs' cos I looked too young.
Ricerco un bene fuori di me, non so chil tiene, non so cos'e.
我心中充满火样热情, 一瞬间又感到寒冷如冰。
Of cos i can speak Cantonese, its just that my wpm is 1wpm.
I need a lawyer just to talk cos there telling you what to say.
The roof got all smoky, cos I used to read in bed with a candle.
屋顶上漂满了烟雾, 因为我点着烟躺在床上看书。
Cant find the right words, cos I am knowing myself consistently.
找不到合适的词语来形容, 因为我也在不断地发掘自己。
Julie Cos Im a bachelorette. Whos totally free after seven oclock
朱莉我是单身姑娘, 七点钟以后就没事可干了。
Can I just ask something'cos I'm really quite interested in this.
HUAHUA Yep. We ought to go for something more expensive, cos you.
花花恩, 我们要找个稍微贵点的地方。因为。
Impress president pull any way ya gonna love cos youre beautiful.
No looking back with regret, cos tonight, Ive found here with you.
回首往事不要遗憾, 就是今晚, 我找到你。
cos whos to know which one you let go would have made you complete
因为谁能知道你放弃的那个梦想, 会不会使你更加完整?
You are advise to take bus from KL SENTRAL cos its more convenient.
Microsoft Corp. and Travelers Cos. were also dragging down the Dow.
Try to be honest cos I always did for myself but still hide sth out.
While she lays crying, 'cos she knows how my heart is ripped in two.
当她平息哭泣, 由于她知道我的心裂成两半。
West Riggs, head of Asia equity capital markets for Piper Jaffray Cos.
这类企业的数量并没有大幅增多, 不过开始增加。
You dont really get a sense of time passing cos you dont see daylight.
Bring your friends and family along, cos there's never too many of you!
请你的家人朋友也来喝茶看戏, 看戏喝茶!
Not cos of what i have, if you dont mind i would love to know you more.
And Cos begot Anob, and Soboba, the kindred of Aharehel the son of Arum.
祚贝巴, 雅贝兹和哈戎的儿子阿哈勒尔的家族。
But not in your case, 'cos I see that you're a strapping lad, aren't ya?
但我知道你不是, 你是一个很健壮的小伙子。

单词 cos 释义

  • 单词释义:余弦;动漫角色扮演;以太网上用服务类别;Certificate of Suitability 指的是欧洲药典适用性认证  [更多..]



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