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单词 copier 例句大全,用单词copier造句:

Of course, this means you have to have access to a copier and a fax machine.
We need a case of copier paper, and, by the way, a box of large index cards.
我们需要一箱复印纸。顺便说一下, 我们还需要一盒大索引卡。
fuser film sleeve , teflon film , printer parts , web roller , copier parts.
定影膜, 打印机零件, 复印机零件, 清洁纸。
Hed like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier.
他希望与你约定个时间, 谈论买一台新的复印机的计划。
They joked that in order to provide the requested information, almost a copier.
他们戏称为提供有关资料, 几乎用坏了一台复印机。
These procedures vary depending on the machine type and structure of the copier.
Be careful not to leave a document in the copier you'll wish you had kept private.
Major lines of business are Used Konica digital copier lease, repair, maintenance.
主要业务有柯尼卡二手数码复印机租赁, 维修, 保养。
This copier doesnt need any special paper. And it can reproduce color photographs.
这台复印机不需要特殊纸张, 可复制彩色照片。
Output devices become more and more like Copier storage, store your toner and paper.
Please add paper to the copier. Okay. The problem is I dont know where the papers are.
请给复印机加些纸。好的, 可问题是我不知道纸在哪里。
Simulation of Temperature Field of Copier Paper Based on Wavelet Finite Element Method
The only time they get up is to walk to the printer, copier, or to go to the restroom.
唯一需要起来的原因就是要去打印室, 复印室或休息室。
A word processor is like a typewriter with a builtin eraser, copier, scissors and glue.
This copier copies everything from book pages to documents, including picture in any color.
这台复印机从书页到文件, 包括各种颜色的图画, 什么都能复
The printer, copier, fax and water dispenser are over there. Is there anything else I can do for you
印表机, 影印机, 传真机和饮水机都在那边。还有什麽问题吗?
It is an economy that does not innovate it is the great copier and counterfeiter of Western technology.
这是一种没有创新的经济, 是西方科技的大复制与伪造。
Its design incorporating reliability and advanced features eliminates worries in choosing a highspeed copier.
environment protect requirements of copying machines power saving requirements of electrostatic process copier.
Steve asks each of them if they would be interested in becoming the sole distributor of Malco, the wonder copier.
Environment protect requirements of copying machines Environment protect requirements of electrostatic process copier.

单词 copier 释义

  • 单词释义:n.制作拷贝者,(尤指)临摹者,抄写员,复印机  [更多..]



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