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单词 council 例句大全,用单词council造句:

The State Council shall formulate the detailed rules for implementation in accordance with this Law.
the Program on Performing Official Duties in Accordance with the Law promulgated by the State Council
Article 41 The State Council shall formulate the implementing regulations in accordance with this Law.
Article 52 The State Council may, in accordance with this law, formulate rules for its implementation.
To intensify our efforts to achieve a comprehensive reform of the Security Council in all its aspects.
We continue to underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in the work of the Council.
The report of the Security Council has shown a significant improvement in the Council's method of work.
Refers to the quotable additional qualification which is acceptable to the Medical Council of Hong Kong.
The composition of the State Council Customs Tariff Commission shall be prescribed by the State Council.
Today the University Council is pleased to announce plans towards the establishment of two additional new Colleges
bid for a permanent council seat, bid for UNSC seat, bid for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council
Does the Security Council have the right to abolish the sovereignty and independence of United Nations Member States?
The scope of application and amount of the additional deduction for expenses shall Be regulated by the State Council.
William replaced the witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings, with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief.
Coal enterprises approved to establish by the State Council and competent departments concerned of the State Council.
38 receive and disburse such funds in accordance with the decisions of this congregation or this Congregation Council.
As a Council of Ministries where representatives of the different associations and groups are sent to the Pastoral Council.
All the members of the Council of Ministers have an obligation to act in accordance with the decisions taken by the Council.
To achieve the ultimate goal of universal suffrage, the first step will be for the Legislative Council to pass our proposals.
我们要迈向普选, 立法会通过政改方案是第一步。
The enterprise shall have the right to budget and use its retained funds in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.
The oncology social worker shall be masters prepared from a graduate program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
The premier shall convene and preside over the plenary sessions of the State Council and executive meetings of the State Council.
七, 总理召集和主持国务院全体会议和国务院常务会议。
The rules of procedure of the Legislative Council shall be made by the Council on its own, provided that they do not contravene this Law.
The State Council, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws, was entrusted with the power to formulate administrative regulations.
Ad Hoc Committee Established under Resolution 455, concerning the Complaint by Zambia, to Assist the Security Council in the Implementation of the Resolution

单词 council 释义

  • 单词释义:(政务)委员会,地方议会;委员;会议  [更多..]



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