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单词 cousin 例句大全,用单词cousin造句:

There his cousin, Gilbert, resented this cousin from the Middle West.
Andy Hes a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit.
他是一个幻影, 幽灵, 是兔子哈维的第二个表弟。
My cousin is afraid of everything; he is even afraid of his own shadow.
The nearest member of my family still alive is a rather distant cousin.
After all, I call someone my cousin if she and I have a common ancestor.
In the black himself, he could offer financial assistance to his cousin.
暗地里, 他能给他的表亲提供经济援助
My cousin recently bought a Little Swan brand automatic washing machine.
The word gentleman has tended to be a term of abuse, first cousin to snob.
绅士这个字成了受人诅咒的名词, 意思和势利鬼不相上下。
To celebrate my cousin's wedding, my aunt and Yifu arrangements for a party.
What I write here about my cousin is for the information of the family only.
His cousin was one of many intellectuals who were abducted and killed in the war.
John, of whom my aunt is a distant cousin by marriage, comes to see us sometimes.
He had abandoned the cab because he could not bear to remain seated beside his cousin.
My aunt never married because her father wouldn't consent to her marriage to a cousin.
And it was my first time to see the Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco with my cousin.
They were saying that they preferred the automated version of their cousin to their cousin.
他们说 与真人版的相比,更喜欢自动版的表哥。
My cousin died, aged 59, within four minutes of her life support machine being switched off.
My cousin died, aged 61, within four minutes of her life support machine being switched off.
I have a cousin that's a dentist, andI had a toothache right before we were leaving on our trip.
I just stood there, not wanting to admit what I had done, or what my cousin had done before that.
My cousin wrote a description of herself, but I don't agree with some aspects of her personality.
Today I go to Cheung Chau visit cousin. I and cousin play Gameboy. cousin play when he is eating.
Yet artificial life suffers from the same malaise that afflicts its cousin, artificial intelligence.
Of course, Baoyu had seen this new cousin earlier on and guessed that she was the daughter of his aunt lin.
One of my cousin’s friends is literally the dumbest guy I know, but recently he landed a very good position at a well known company. Apparently his uncle is a big shot there and pulled a few strings for him. So remember kids, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

单词 cousin 释义

  • 单词释义:同辈表亲;堂兄弟(或姐妹);表兄弟(或姐妹)  [更多..]



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