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单词 countrywide 例句大全,用单词countrywide造句:

The production that reviews countrywide female shoe develops centre of gravity still is in Chengdu.
Midwinter season, countrywide quality is supervised examine quarantine job conference is held in Beijing.
隆冬时节, 全国质量监督检验检疫工作会议在北京召开。
After building, It still will be first 512 aseismatic memorial hall of countrywide providing disaster relief.
The State Council decides 2006 the bottom launchs countrywide agriculture general investigation the 2 nd times.
Especially the effect that agricultural development is having to hold the balance in countrywide economy progress.
Predict, area of establish of countrywide greens colza amounts to 1000 much hectare, crop is in 400 million tons of above.
预计, 全国蔬菜种植面积达1000多万公顷, 产量在4亿吨以上。
Countrywide patient and doctor in succession the incoming telegram will case ill chart of advisory understanding acupuncture.
The utility model can resist the high temperature sterilization, and can be used in countrywide various kinds of medical units.

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