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单词 correctly 例句大全,用单词correctly造句:

To Tackle With the Relationship of the Accounting Standards and the Accouting System Correctly
If the output doesn t appear correctly, wait 15 seconds,and previous settings will be restored.
Third, we correctly handled the contradictions among the people arising from the new situation.
The method correctly determines the protective range of the arresters without circle lightning harm.
该方法确定得避雷针保护范围明确, 无绕击雷害。
The health agency has a fivestep program to guarantee that TB patients take their medicine correctly.
Administrative Discretion Should be Correctly Exercised in Agricultural Administrative Law Enforcement
The Judgement Armor set bonus that increases the radius of the Paladins Auras is now working correctly.
Configure the bad mail directory correctly and make sure that the permissions are configured correctly.
Papers need to be correctly imposed prior to printing so that they are correctly oriented and readable.
Sales accountant must ensure sales, cost of sales and accounts receivables accounts are correctly booked.
One, handle equipment forest correctly plant, the relation that each tree plants, adjust Lin plant structure.
It is a very important and complicated problem how to correctly appraise the historical figures of the party.
如何正确的评价党史人物, 是一个至为重要而又复杂的问题。
One of the healthiest cuts of beef is the flank steak which, when prepared correctly, is absolutely delicious!
Corporate accounting departments should timely accounting, accounts receivable reflect the situation correctly.
How do Archival Administration Departments Correctly Apply the Limitation of Prosecution of Administrative Penalty
Its punctuation and annotation were exhaustively accurate to hope that readers can correctly understand its meaning.
Correctly handling the four relations to combat corruption and build a clean administration at colleges and universities
Understand and Uphold the Class nature. The Advanced Nature, and the Mass Nature of the Chinese Communist Party Correctly
Customers often returned process controllers to us for repair, because the field operators could not adjust them correctly.
Liaise with creative, advertising and public relations agencies to ensure the communication plans are implemented correctly.
与广告公关公司合作协调, 确保酒店宣传计划正确执行。
To implement the matching concept correctly, the accrual basis of accounting is generally used for merchandising enter prices.
为了正确执行对应概念, 商业企业会计普遍使用应计制会计。
Understanding the relationship amomg economic law, administrative law and statutes in other department correctly is significant.
When mounting thrust washers care should be taken that they are correctly positioned, i.e.the steel backing should abut the housing wall.
For correctly using principle nature and flexible nature, It is necessary to adhere to emancipation of thought and seeking truth from fact.
正确运用原则性和灵活性, 要坚持解放思想, 实事求是。
Say you want to get the riffs perfect in Eric Clapton's Layla. As envisioned, the sequence of notes on the screen will not advance until you correctly play the previous chords.

单词 correctly 释义

  • 单词释义:正确地,得体地;实事求是  [更多..]



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