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单词 cordially 例句大全,用单词cordially造句:

MrPan huanqin, president of the company, cordially welcomes your presence and guidance.
You are cordially invited to a party to be given at the Teachers Club at 3 p.m. Nov.23.
You are cordially invited to a reception to be given in our ministry on Saturday evening.
As ordered, Huang Kui went to see Ma Teng, who received him cordially and served him wine.
She cordially anticipates establishing a long term, friendly cooperation relation with you!
All men and women under thirty years of age are cordially invited to enter the competition.
All businessmen, professionals and their friends are cordially invited to attend this meeting.
We are sincerely to work with all the friends at home and abroad, and cordially welcome to visit us!
You are cordially invited to the party to mark the100th anniversary of the founding of our university.
We Sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, and also cordially welcome each customer to visit us!
我们真诚期待与您的合作, 亦热忱欢迎您的光临指导!
The decorating materials shop of our company offers a complete range of specifications. Your presence is cordially requested.
本公司附设有一家规格齐全的装饰材料商店, 请君光临。
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome cordially all the honourable consuls who join our celebration this afternoon.
Members of the press are cordially invited to attend the Grand Opening and tour around the Student Village, the details are as below
The cordially welcome domestic and foreign manufacturers come Our company to visit instruct, technological exchange, discussion cooperation.
热诚欢迎国内外厂商来我公司参观指导, 技术交流, 洽谈合作。
Welcome the domestic and international travelling trader cordially and patronize our company, sincerely cooperate, seek development altogether!

单词 cordially 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.诚恳地,诚实地,诚挚地  [更多..]



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